Monday, September 17, 2012

Nursery Rhyme Olympics

Friday was a very busy day in the Braden house!  The TK(Transitional Kindergarten) classes at Colsen's school had a Nursery Rhyme Olympics.  It was so cute.  There were eight different activities/games that corresponded with a different Nursery Rhyme.  The teacher's did an amazing job of planning and the kids had a fabulous time!  Caroline and I only got to see half of the activities because it was time for Caroline to go to school but the ones we saw were so cute! 

The kids came out carrying torches and chanting:
Hip, Hip Hooray!  We Love J.K.!!

Colsen' class waiting to start.

Jack be Nimble-Colsen jumping over the Candlestick.

Running back to get in line.

I can't remember which Nursery Rhyme this activity went with. 

Colsen had so much fun and did a great job keeping the ball between his legs while jumping.

Another Nursery Rhyme that I can't remember but Colsen and his buddy Luke had so much fun running with the hula hoop.

Little Miss Muffet-Colsen and Luke trying to walk and keep the spider between them.

It was so much fun watching Colsen having a blast!! We are really loving his new school!!

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